January 26, 2011

What, what, WHAT are you doing?

I must admit, I am a huge, and I mean gigantically massive fan of Sassy Gay Friend (search it on youtube, you'll see what I mean). This is relevant in a little while... I have two classes back to back in the morning. Biology and then English 102. Well, I was totally on my way to my second class, I WAS GOING! And then I ran into Mike, so I talked to Mike. And then I saw John. So I talked to John. And then I told "Ok, I really have to go to class................................. -doesn't move-........." Silence. Sad silence. "No really I should go. Tell me to go" Mike: "You should go to class."
John: "No you shouldn't. Stay."
"Grrrrrrrrrryyaaahhhhhh........................ -stares at the clock- I'm late....... I should go................. -doesn't move-"
And now I'm writing about how I didn't move, at all. And now I feel awful because I didn't go, I should have gone. WHY didn't I go?! So then I started having a conversation with myself as follows -
Me: What, what, WHAT are you doing?
Other Me: I don't know.
Me: This is English we're talking about. ENGLISH.
Other Me: I know but it's just so...
Me: Honey, he stabbed your dad through a curtain.
The Me That Thinks The Other Two Are Ridiculous: Oh god, what is wrong with me.

Yeah these are the conversations I have with myself.

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