January 29, 2011

Foreign People Shouldn't Talk To Me On The Bus

OHMAHGAWD it's Saturday. I just had to get that out.
I was riding the bus home yesterday because I have no car and so I ride the bus home and I'm sitting behind this little Asian dude.

I now firmly believe that no one should ever talk to me on the bus because if they're foreign, I'll screw something up, and if they're not foreign, I'll feel a little creeped out.

Anyways, back to Asian dude, he pulls the cord for Wal-Mart and then turns around and asks if the bus goes to Wal-Mart and I say yeah this is it but you have to use the cross walk over there to get to it.
Either he didn't hear me or he didn't understand or something but he didn't get off the bus and then I felt horrible because I made the little Asian dude miss his stop! And then I got really scared he'd like freak out and start bitching me out so I pretended to be asleep (I felt like I was giving a very horrible representation to American teenagers but it was probably very accurate so I'm not too worried) because being yelled at by little Asian dudes in foreign languages is really freakin' scary to me. It's right up there with spiders, drowning, and being eaten by an orc or that creepy dead thing from The Messengers!

I started having all these mental images of...
Asian Dude - "Wung chee hao ba fjsdlkbns idswj!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Me - *blush blush ignore blush apologize blush feeling very small and insignificant*

Bus Driver - "Miss you need to get off the bus because this gentleman has a problem with you."

Me - *Standing on the side of the highway looking very waif-like and staring after the bus*

Asian Dude - *Grinning triumphantly and waving like the creepy clown from It as the bus leaves me stranded in the middle of nowhere*


Me - WHY GOD WHYYYYYYYYYY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!

Right then and there I decided that I would never talk to anyone foreign about the bus on the bus ever again and if anyone ever asked me then I would assume a pretend accent and be a complete ignoramus and pray to god that I'd never meet them again.

Boyfriend says this isn't much better than confusing an Asian on the bus and making him miss his stop but I firmly disagree.

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